did not show him as particularly appreciative of Armenians. This makes his testimony more compelling and trustworthy.
(his birth name was Rafael Inchauspe Méndez) was born in San Cristóbal,
state of Táchira, on October 14, 1879. His father sent him to Europe,
where he studied in Germany, Belgium, and Spain, and spoke German,
French, and Italian fluently.
thirst for adventure and the attraction of the military profession
turned him into a soldier of fortune from the late nineteenth century.
In 1898 he fought with Spain during the Spanish-American War. He
returned to Venezuela in 1901, but he was critical of Cipriano Castro’s
dictatorship. In 1902 a revolution started and Castro tried to have him
arrested, but Nogales escaped to Nicaragua, where President Zelaya
supported him in a failed expedition to overthrow the Venezuelan
dictator. After spending time in Mexico, where he enjoyed the protection
of another dictator, Porfirio Díaz, he went to China and then he was
involved as a double spy in the Russo-Japanese war. In 1904-1905 he
mined gold in Alaska. Then he returned to California, where he fought
along the forces of Mexican revolutionary Ricardo Flores Magón. After
the military coup of Juan Vicente Gómez in Venezuela, which overthrew
Castro’s dictatorship, Nogales returned to his homeland (1908). He was
appointed governor of the state of Apure, but two months later he made
himself an enemy of the new president and had to go into exile.
tried to join the French army at the outbreak of World War I, but he
refused to renounce his Venezuelan nationality. In the end he enlisted
in the Ottoman Army and was assigned to the Caucasus Front, where he
reached the rank of major. During the siege of Van in April-May 1915 he
led gendarmerie troops, but asked to be relieved for what he
characterized as “unjustified massacres of Christians.” He wrote that
the massacres were executed by Halil Bey, the commander and chief of the
expeditionary army he had volunteered to serve. (Halil Bey was Minister
of War Enver Pasha’s uncle.).
In his book
Four Years Beneath the Crescent
Nogales recounted the massacres perpetrated against the Armenian
population of Van by order of Governor Jevdet bey (Enver’s
brother-in-law): “Supported by the Kurds and the rabble of the vicinity,
they [the civil authorities] were attacking and sacking the Armenian
quarter. I succeeded at last, without serious accident, in approaching
the Beledie reis of the town, who was directing the orgy; whereupon I
ordered him to stop the massacre. He astounded me by replying that he
was doing nothing more than carry out an unequivocal order emanating
from the Governor-General of the province to exterminate all Armenian
males of twelve years of age and over.”
visited Diarbekir (Diyarbakir) in June 1915, and was a witness to the
widespread massacres of the local Armenians. According to his
conversation with Governor Mehmet Reshid, the orders to massacre had
been sent by Interior Minister Talaat Pasha.
Venezuelan soldier was transferred from the Caucasus and continued
fighting in Mesopotamia and Palestine. He was awarded the Iron Cross by
Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and earned several Ottoman medals.
the end of the war, Nogales worked with Nicaraguan revolutionary
Augusto César Sandino and wrote Spanish books, including his memoirs of
World War I,
Four Years beneath the Crescent
(1924), translated into English and German,
The Robbery of Nicaragua
(1928), and
Memories of a Soldier of Fortune
After the death of Gómez, he returned to Venezuela and was appointed to
study the army of Panama, but died in Panama City on July 10, 1936.